At the beginning of the summer, I made a list of teaching/school related things I wanted to accomplish before school starts/I go on maternity leave.
1. Determine a direction, focus and theme for this blog.
2. Write a reader's workshop curriculum for the school year focused on interventions and test-success.
3. Write a summer-school curriculum for a 7-week high school reading workshop (implement it as I go!)
4. Write detailed lesson plans for my long-term sub to use during my maternity leave to ensure a smooth transition.
Get my classroom set up for an effective reader's workshop. (Fingers
crossed I don't get asked to move rooms, I have a FANTASTIC room as of
right now, and I have oodles of ideas.)
6. Get all of my classroom library books loaded into my book check-out system.
How am I doing?
1. Yeah, haven't even thought about it. I'll work on that, I swear.
2. I have an excellent start on this. In all honestly I can't create an entire year off the bat, because I need to have room to adapt to my kids and space and all sorts of things.
3. Done and executed!
4. Done! Lesson plans are written, just have to finish up my daily slides and objectives.
5. This is on the agenda for Thursday, I have helpers lined up. I did have to move rooms, but I have a plan!
6. Also on the agenda for Thursday. I have plans for one of my helpers to get this all put together.
So, all things considered, I think I did a pretty good job!