Friday, April 13, 2012

Announcement central:

I've been gone forever. A LOT has gone on in my life.

1. I alluded to the reason for my tiredness here, but the reason is that I am pregnant. My husband and I are looking forward to welcoming our first baby home around September first. (Not the best date for a teacher, I know.)

2. I got cut. Again. Effective June, with a *slim* chance at returning, but i wouldn't know until August 14th. At which point I will be 8.5 months pregnant.

3. So I started applying for fall jobs. I got one. But...

4. started immediately. So after a whirlwind of a super supportive principal, saying goodbye to my tightly knit students, and making my friends pack up my classroom, I started a new job.

5. At a really rough, inner-city-type school. Swearing is rampant, at students and directed at teachers. Fights are a daily occurrence, and teacher's have very little decor or books in their rooms because of the theft level. I haven't even put up my classroom library. Which breaks my heart, but I can't afford to replace 1000 books personally if they get stolen.

6. My husband lost his grandmother in the midst of all this so we sadly traveled out of town to say goodbye to her.

7. My first master's candidacy class is wrapping up, so I am frantically citing things trying to get my advance to candidacy portfolio done!

whew. Feels good to get all that off my chest. Look for a post in a couple days seeking help!

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