Monday, December 5, 2011

It's Monday, (late Monday) what are you reading?

The lovely ladies at Teach Mentor Texts are hosting brought to my attention a meme on Mondays, titled "It's Monday, what are you reading?" Well, I forgot to get my blog post scheduled for this morning, and I don't blog from school, big no-no where I work, so I'm chiming in late today!

But, what am I reading? What aren't I reading? I'm finishing up my re-read of Cinda Williams Chima's Warrior heir series by reading "The Dragon Heir". I did a book talk today on "The Warrior Heir" and the boy's pencils were flying over their to-read lists waiting for their chance at my copy. Next on my list is Kate Messner's "The Brilliant Fall of Gianna-Z." Can you believe I haven't read it?

Professionally I'm reading "Making the Match" all about matching students with books and a book on grading practices of which the title escapes me right now.


  1. You sound like you have some good reads going!

  2. After NCTE, I found so many books that I really wanted to read and I feel like now I'm in the middle of too many books because I have started too many all at once! I loved Gianna Z, it's such a great story and I love Gianna as a character. Kate Messner is so sweet. Have you read Reading Ladders by Terri Lesesne? I love the idea of matching books with kids in this way, it has stuck with me.

  3. I am writing down that title. Making the match is a re-read for me, and I'd love to get some more insight.

  4. I haven't read Gianna Z either, though I have read Sugar and Ice. I LOVE Kate, so I am sure it will be wonderful!
